Infectious Deseases: Diagnosis and Treatment Volume I


Carlos Enrique Flores Montesinos, Docente de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca-Ecuador; Daniela Belén Mendieta Zumba; Lisbeth Carolina Iglesias Argudo; Ana Gabriela Muñoz Muñoz ; Jennifer Micaela Cañizares Herrera; Daniela Cristina Cárdenas Gómez; William Fernando Samaniego Cando; Narley Rocío Palta Tenecela; Doménica Patricia Zúñiga Iñiguez; Karla Nicole Martínez Rogel; Sthefanny Marcela Chunchi Bacuilima; Salome Alejandra Molina Molina; Daniela Alexandra Uchuari Rogel; Elian Ariel Morales Cueva; Jennifer Melisa Ortega Espinoza; Juliza Pilar Pilco Gavilanes; Verónica Sofía Tapia Mora; Nataly Estefanía Picón Tenesaca, Estudiantes de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca-Ecuador


Infectious diseases, Infectology, Diagnosis, Treatment, Epidemiology


The textbook "Infectiology Guide, Volumes I and II" is a study guide that covers topics related to infectious diseases. In the first volume, initial chapters introduce the clinical laboratory world, explaining the correct analysis of various complementary studies that contribute to the diagnosis of different infectious diseases. The importance of these chapters is emphasized, as a physician must have expertise in interpreting results to guide logical thinking based on demonstrable criteria for establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Subsequently, Volume I continues into Volume II, discussing various infectious diseases. Each chapter provides an introduction to the different diseases, covering their epidemiology, microbiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic methods, and treatment. This structure aims to help the reader correctly orient themselves to the pathology, providing precise information and a comprehensive view.

It has been determined that there is no guidebook for the infectiology course at the Universidad Católica de Cuenca, which would allow students to support their studies and knowledge acquisition. Consequently, medical students in the course have proposed creating this infectiology guide, which will cover medically relevant topics pertinent to everyday clinical practice, with the goal of providing future students with a text that contains updated and relevant information, thereby improving their learning and equipping them with study tools to unify knowledge in support of medicine.

The guide will address various topics, with each disease covering a definition, epidemiological aspects, etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, and therapeutic approaches.

It is important to note that this guide is a study tool for undergraduate medical students and will not delve into more advanced topics such as intrahospital management within intensive care areas or approaches to pediatric patients.

Finally, the objective is to develop the infectiology guide with detailed information on different infectious diseases.


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September 23, 2024


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