Educación superior al desnudo: Hallazgos en tiempos de pandemia


Jesus Gabalán Coello, Corporación Penser; María Luisa Nieto Taborda, Universidad Católica de Pereira; Ana Luisa Guijarro Cordero, Universidad Católica de Cuenca; Fredy Eduardo Vásquez Rizo, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente; José María Passarini Delpratto, Universidad de la República; Jimmy Túllume Salazar, ICACIT; Javier Hugo Moran Ruíz, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola; Myriam Camacho Zenteno, Universidad Privada Abierta Latinoamericana; Viviana Elizabeth Jiménez Chaves, Universidad Americana; María Emilia Molina de Tinto, Universidad Católica de Cuenca; Gonzalo Raúl Fonseca Grandón, Universidad de Concepción


Higher education, Pandemic, Covid-19, Remote work, Technological resources


During the year 2020, humanity has experienced an unprecedented situation in modern history: a pandemic. A very small group of living humans has faced the relentless effects of a disease that, in some cases lethal, is easily spread and has generated a global health emergency. The famous COVID-19, originating in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread virtually unrestricted throughout the world, leaving death and desolation in its wake across various regions. As a consequence of this health crisis, impacts of all kinds and at all levels have become evident. The educational sector has not been immune to this problem.


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December 21, 2021

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